Anybody who is single is surrounded by people who are (1) taken, (2) uninteresting, or (3) uninterested. That's simply how the math works. It takes time and energy to find a compatible mate. Eventually, nearly everybody finds one. So will you! Meanwhile, you gotta focus on ways to be happy as you are. Think of it this way. What if an oracle told you that you were destined to always be single, no matter what you did. That would suck ... but after a while you'd have to find other goals for your life, goals that didn't require a mate. There are alternatives to the disappointed search for a mate. And, paradoxically, if you set non-mating goals for your life, you increase the chances of running into compatible people who have done the same thing. ----- Take life step by step -- don't ask for a happy ending until you are finished! ;-)
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