Genesis 22 -- God orders up a human sacrifice
God tells Abraham to sacrifice his "only son" Isaac as a burnt offering to God. So, Abraham takes Isaac, who is old enough to walk and talk, to the top of a mountain with enough wood to burn him. Ties up the kid, lays the wood around him, pulls out his knife ... and at the last second an angel tells him to STOP! Turns out God was only joking. This was the final test. Now we know Abraham feared God, which is the most important quality in a chosen person. And then God really promises to do for Abraham and his descendants all those things he had already promised to do. Mean it this time! ----- But we know Isaac was not Abraham's only son. Just like we know Jesus was not God's only son. And we know Israel is not the only chosen people. And we know God is not the only divine being. There's definitely a theme here of acting poly while pretending to be mono.
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